The Ottawa Islamic Centre Assalam Mosque loses its charitable status for hate speech, yet its attendance remains unaffected

Free Tommy Robinson rally – Ottawa, June 9th, 2018, part 2

As the worldwide protests to free Tommy Robinson took place on June 9th, 2018, our sleepy little town of Ottawa, Canada, also had its small contribution.


Again, it is clumsy, because I do not know how to embed bitchute, and YouTube is not playing very nice…but, I will try a workaround for a later post.


In the meantime, here are a few more speeches from the rally:

More coverage of Tommy Robinson Rally in Ottawa, 1st of June 2018

I Am Tommy Robinson Rally – June 01, 2018, Ottawa

Happy ‘Draw Mohammed Day’!

From 2 years ago today:


Please, DO REMEMBER this stark Obama ‘Annivesary’

Please, DO ask yourself – and all your loved ones – what could possibly have motivated something like this:



Mark Levin Interviews Thomas Sowell About His New Book “Discrimination and Disparities”

Jordan Peterson: Why Globalism Fails and Nationalism is Relatable







UK Has Reached Levels of Dankness That Should Not Be Possible: Count Dankula Is Convicted of ‘Being Grossly Offensive’, Faces Jail Time

Pugs are cute.

Not just cute – they are sickeningly adorable!

Count Dankula’s girlfriend bet him there was nothing he could do to make her pug ‘uncute’.

Challenge accepted:  by the time she got home, Count Danculahad made a video in which the pug in question appears to make Nazi salutes to specific stimulae…

Ha-ha, joke achieved.  Bet undecided – but joke achieved.

Millions of people watched the video – and all ‘got’ that being ‘Nazi’ = bad, and that making a cute pug mimic Nazi salutes is adorably silly.  Poking fun at Nazis and all that…because EVERYONE knows that Nazis are hateful and having a cute pug mimic them is adorable, in a silly and innocent sort of way.

I would love to show you the video itself – because it was adorably silly and mocked Nazis at the same time, but I cannot:  it seems that every copy of this video has been scrubbed from virtual existence…and since my computer recently failed and was replaced (before I could back up my downloaded videos), I no longer have a copy of it.

Please, allow me to assert (from having seen it first hand) that it was funny and adorable and totally making fun of Nazis, and NOT promoting them in any way, shape or form.

This appears to have been lost on the UK police AND judiciary.

Count Dankula (a self-described communist – none-the less) has been found guilty of ‘being grossly offensive’.


You read correctly.

‘Being offensive’ is now a criminal offense in the UK!!!

At this point, I would like to get into the whole argument how ‘saying/doing’ something is one thing, and ‘taking offense’ is completely different:  one cannot control how others will ‘feel about/react to ‘ one’s speech or behaviour, because the reaction is completely divorced from the action itself.

But, I will not get seduced into that old argument, which, most of you – my loyal readers, are more than familiar with.

Instead, I will offer you Tommy Robinson’s reaction to the verdict – it speaks volumes!!!

A Most Excellent Post – Censored from reddit

Yes, this site has been dormant for way too long.

This is because I have been very busy with working to achieve the goals promoted by this site from its inception through alternate means.  And, I have been doing some serious ‘growing up’ in the process.  But more on that later…

Today, I came across a post on reddit that I found most illuminating.  However, between when I first clicked on it and the time I was ready to comment on it, it had been censored.



Gone down the ‘memory hole’…

Whatever the metaphor, it was made gone – as if the book-burners had had their way with it.

And so, my friends, with the permission of the author (a redditor by the name of ‘istillgetreallybored’), I bring you the banished, censored and book-burned post:

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (this reee is dedicated in part to the cucked pedes who think they are alpha just because they voted for Trump)

They have to go back. Trump has reduced ISIS from 35k to 1k and the migrant crisis was a fraud to instigate a replacement program to further economic marxism as a means to controlling humans. We should have been helping (not causing the crisis would have been best) them in their country of origin which would have resulted in 100 fold cost savings and prevented this assimilation issue.

Islam does not recognize borders. Wake up.

For those who don’t have freeee speech.

The heart-war —- and that is the lowest form of the war. And it is that the Muslim should believe in his heart that the infidels are enemies to him and to his religion, and that he should desire their disappearance and the destruction of their power. And no Muslim can be imagined who is not under obligation to this degree of the war. Verily all the people of the Faith are under obligation to this amount without any question whatever, in whatever place they may be and in whatsoever condition they may be found. And that those concerning whom the exception made in the verse presented in the saying of the Most High holds good (You should abstain from them completely) to these it is permitted that they should be satisfied with this degree of the heart-war.3