If Looks Could Kill…



P.S.  I NEED a hat just like that!!!

P.P.S.  When my son’s school needed hats for a ‘fashion show’ for all the grade 1-5 teachers to wear, I was their sole supplier…with many to spare…and have built on the collection since.

P.P.P.S.  I gave a culinary artist (and friend) a free hand to design my wedding cake to be anything she thought suitable for me.  My wedding cake was an elaborate hat…and I loved it!!!


Mark Levin Interviews Thomas Sowell About His New Book “Discrimination and Disparities”

Pat Condell moves platforms

The explanation:


OK – I don’t know how to link to the new platform, but, here is a place that does it and, hopefully, explains to you how to find Pat there:




Sorry to be so clumsy…please, follow the link and the directions!


A Most Excellent Post – Censored from reddit

Yes, this site has been dormant for way too long.

This is because I have been very busy with working to achieve the goals promoted by this site from its inception through alternate means.  And, I have been doing some serious ‘growing up’ in the process.  But more on that later…

Today, I came across a post on reddit that I found most illuminating.  However, between when I first clicked on it and the time I was ready to comment on it, it had been censored.



Gone down the ‘memory hole’…

Whatever the metaphor, it was made gone – as if the book-burners had had their way with it.

And so, my friends, with the permission of the author (a redditor by the name of ‘istillgetreallybored’), I bring you the banished, censored and book-burned post:

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (this reee is dedicated in part to the cucked pedes who think they are alpha just because they voted for Trump)

They have to go back. Trump has reduced ISIS from 35k to 1k and the migrant crisis was a fraud to instigate a replacement program to further economic marxism as a means to controlling humans. We should have been helping (not causing the crisis would have been best) them in their country of origin which would have resulted in 100 fold cost savings and prevented this assimilation issue.

Islam does not recognize borders. Wake up.

For those who don’t have freeee speech.

The heart-war —- and that is the lowest form of the war. And it is that the Muslim should believe in his heart that the infidels are enemies to him and to his religion, and that he should desire their disappearance and the destruction of their power. And no Muslim can be imagined who is not under obligation to this degree of the war. Verily all the people of the Faith are under obligation to this amount without any question whatever, in whatever place they may be and in whatsoever condition they may be found. And that those concerning whom the exception made in the verse presented in the saying of the Most High holds good (You should abstain from them completely) to these it is permitted that they should be satisfied with this degree of the heart-war.3

Dr. Jordan Peterson’s lecture in Ottawa, 11th of March, 2017 – with intro by Mrs. Tammy Peterson

Act! For Canada’s Ottawa chapter brought the iconic Dr. Jordan Peterson to speak at the main branch of the Ottawa Library.

And, luckily, we got Mrs. Tammy Peterson (a powerful intellect and personality in her own right) to give us a glimpse into how their lives have been altered since Dr. Peterson’s pro-free-speech rant went viral in 2016:



Q&A videos to come as they are published.

For the record:  Dr. Peterson WILL go down in the history books as THE Socrates/Aristotle/St. Thomas of Aquinas/Jan Hus/Gogol/Jung/Nietzsche+++ of our era – all rolled into one.

Just saying…

…but history will prove me right.

He will have turned out to be THE most influential thinker of our era.  That much I am certain about.

Marion le pen attacks vestigial feminists in the French Parliament

US election fraud: Veritas Voter Fraud Compilation – #VoterFraudIsReal

Plus, this article  analyzing the HuffPo flip :

How many non-citizens participate in U.S. elections? More than 14 percent of non-citizens in both the 2008 and 2010 samples indicated that they were registered to vote. Furthermore, some of these non-citizens voted. Our best guess, based upon extrapolations from the portion of the sample with a verified vote, is that 6.4 percent of non-citizens voted in 2008 and 2.2 percent of non-citizens voted in 2010.

Because non-citizens tended to favor Democrats (Obama won more than 80 percent of the votes of non-citizens in the 2008 CCES sample), we find that this participation was large enough to plausibly account for Democratic victories in a few close elections.


Edit:  fixed inaccurate description of link.

Tania Groth of For Freedom Denmark interview, day after Christmas March

Guest post by NorseRadish: Election Reflections

Election Reflections

—Notes from NorseRadish—

Or: How the Democratic Party Machine Elected Trump


Over eight years ago, few people were willing to accept my (seemingly counter-intuitive) insistence that the most vigorous campaigners for Obama’s 2008 election as this nation’s President were Bush 2.0 and John McCain.

From the outset of that year’s presidential election cycle, Bush’s abject failure to sense (much less avoid) conflicts of interest—which he was unable to identify, even when they bit him on the neck—thoroughly neutralized his projected “aw-shucks” image of a cowboy-hat-wearing, pork-rind-eating, broccoli-hating, down-to-earth Texan. None of this was helped by the dichotomy of a Yale graduate who persisted in making the sort of embarrassing linguistic gaffes one might normally associate with Professor William Archibald Spooner.

Equally catastrophic to that year’s Republican Party hopes were perceptions gathered by two or three generations of young voters, few of whom could either conceive of McCain’s truly admirable Vietnam Conflict-era sacrifices (e.g., intentionally declining early release from a Viet Cong prisoner-of-war camp), nor realize just how incredibly damaging it was for him to admit (in the face of an emailing, Blackberry-addict, Social Media fluent, glib-tongued huckster) his total lack of understanding about how email and the internet worked. McCain’s message may as well have been, “Elect your Grandpa!!!”

Faced with a smooth and tech-savvy Democratic Party nominee—whom many Liberals extolled as nothing less than the second-coming of Jimmy Hendrix—this disastrous combination of Bush 2.0’s radioactive political legacy and McCain’s high-tech ineptitude rendered both of them as nothing other than walking billboards for (what should otherwise have been) an otherwise intensely vulnerable and thoroughly unproven opponent.

Nevertheless, this totally inexperienced, anti-American, Black Liberation Theology dilettante of questionable birthright managed—despite being an actual mulatto—to play the Negro Race Card with all the finesse of a slum-dwelling, street corner, three-card-molly-playing con artist. Few, if any, ever even managed to twig on the fact that this supremely coddled, pretentious Ivy League wanker was summoning forth some of the most racist and discriminatory codicils of Jim Crow doctrine (i.e., the “One Drop” rule) in order to label himself as being authentically “Black”.

For the better part of a decade—not only did this consummate partisan charlatan bow before (and bare our nation’s collective neck to) its very worst ideological enemies—he also managed to erode the political and racial fabric of America in ways which will require, not just time, but a degree of labour-intensive reconciliation that will always be awkward for those who didn’t instigate the initial transgression.

Fast forward to November 2016:

Much like my counter-intuitive assessment of 2008’s campaign influences, this year’s election cycle saw President-elect, Donald Trump, propelled into office by none other than Barack Hussein 0bama and Hillary Rodham Clinton. The only significant difference being that it was candidate Hillary’s political legacy which glowed with gamma ray radioactivity, whilst 0bama merely exuded the sort of command-level incompetence normally associated with Gomer Pyle.

Below is a laundry list of the Democratic Party’s preposterous blunders—any one of which could have been fatal. When taken in combination, they assume almost unimaginably toxic proportions.

Nominating a deeply flawed candidate like Hillary

With more accumulated political baggage than Joe McCarthy and Richard Nixon combined, the notion that gender bias (akin to the racial bias that helped carry 0bama to victory) would, somehow, sweep Hillary into the Oval Office amounted to fantasy-level statistical projection. Subsequent demographic analysis showed that Hillary received a meager one percent more votes than 0bama did from women voters. All of which goes to show that having a vagina is not a presidential qualification.

Institutionalized persecution of political dissenters

Using the Internal Revenue Service as part of enacting a partisan witch-hunt represents such an abuse of power that it could only sharpen all further election-year sensitivity to any other sort of foul play. Preexisting public mistrust (if not outright hatred) for the IRS only served to further heighten accompanying outrage and perception of wrongdoing. This tainted the White House in ways that only reduced its ability to sway public opinion in favor of an already unpopular Hillary.

Not once but TWICE derailing legitimate FBI investigations of an already favored candidate

Director James Comey could not possibly have ignored how preposterous it would appear to open a second investigation into Hillary Clinton right before Election Day and then—just as promptly—quash it, citing lack of evidence. This is especially so when a federal Judge balks at [a] five-year timeline for release of Clinton emails. U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg (nominated by 0bama) stated how he was “not satisfied with saying, ‘Fine, go ahead and take five years to do this,'”. Yet, magically, Comey’s investigators reviewed some 650,000 emails in just a few days’ time.

Through demonizing Conservatives the Democratic Party poisoned its own ability to gather accurate polling data

Whether it was demonizing Trump himself or lumping together his supporters in a “basket of deplorables”, Hillary and the Democratic Party both alienated many undecided voters—or Bernie Sanders fans—and infuriated America’s Republican base in ways that probably galvanized even reluctant Conservatives. As an aside, there were likely a large number of hesitant voters that were activated by the insane spectacle of “Never Trump” Republicans essentially propelling Hillary Clinton’s campaign numbers. However, far more damaging was how the media effectively forced people (afraid of censure) to avoid revealing their true voting intentions to pollsters. This allowed the press to “breathe its own exhaust” (less politely termed: “sucking its own butt”). All of which resulted in one of the most unexpected underdog wins since Truman and Dewey.

Externalizing Hillary’s popularity with Hollywood stars cost her own (already negligible) charisma

Videos like the uproarious, “Thank you Famous Actors“, were an expectable response to the smarmy and condescending tone so often encountered when our supposed (celebrity) betters sought to lecture us on how to make the right political decisions. Even Trump’s most pompous rantings imbued him with a human touch that went missing every time Hillary stepped in front of a microphone. Her wooden personality, nagging voice, and total lack of a life outside of politics suffused her with all the appeal of a proctology exam.

Anti-White mentality encouraged by present administration harmed both candidates

The constant torrent of anti-White message spewing forth from the White House and Justice department damaged the minority appeal of both candidates. However, Hillary’s blend of condescension and her soft bigotry of lowered expectations worked against her to an extent that Trump’s own flagrant missteps could not hope to surpass. This is revealed in Ezra Levant’s superb video about how, “Blacks, women, Hispanics voted for “racist, sexist” Trump“. Once again, 0bama was one of Trump’s most vigorous campaigners.

Clinton was unable to survive a descent into demonization (as in: too many of her own demons)

The storm of media-based demonizing that perpetually swirled around Trump probably allowed Hillary to delude herself with a sense of invulnerability. All by itself, her own arrogance certainly would have created such a psychological carapace. Be that as it may, a serious deficit in personal warmth and likeability slowly revealed Hillary as an imperious scold whose ability to attract popular sympathy rapidly declined into negative numbers. No amount of deliberate media-bias could conceal her obvious disdain for the common voter.

Concealment of health issues magnified an already damaging reputation for dishonesty

The above-mentioned deceit vis a vis her public and private personae, received even greater scrutiny once serious issues surfaced regarding Hillary’s personal health. There emerged a mottled aura of physical and mental ill-health that only served to highlight her already objectionable behavior. This was augmented by revelations from previous Secret Service details about Hillary’s profanity-laced, abusive treatment of staff in general.

A surfeit of questionable acts long prior to the presidential campaign

Be it Whitewater real estate deals, near-continuous issues of marital infidelity, the supposed “suicide” of Hillary-aid, Vince Foster“, the more recent Benghazi attack or her (totally illegal) private email servers, like used toilet paper stuck to her heel, allegations of (serious) impropriety trailed Hillary and Bill wherever they went. See: “From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton-Scandal Primer“. Far more shocking is the stack of corpses that have piled up around these two over the course of their political careers. See: “The Clinton Body Count” (scroll down to mid-page). Cohabiting with a serial killer appears to be less dangerous than befriending the Clintons.

Clinton Body Count +5 in Just 6 Weeks

Voluntary admission of differing public and private personae too at odds with Trump’s (however erratic) candor

The unsteadiness of Hillary’s already tottering reputation was exacerbated by revelations of her own duplicitous self-portrayal. From: “Hillary Admits Public Persona ‘Is Fake’ In Leaked Wall Street Speech

“If everybody’s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least, … So, you need both a public and a private position.”

The valuable role that Wikileaks played in counterbalancing Hillary’s numerous and deliberate efforts to evade accountability (especially with respect to Freedom of Information Act requests) cannot be overstated. Julian Assange’s otherwise questionable breaches of America’s national security took on an aspect of heroic proportions that could only be made possible when contrasted with the Clinton crime family. For a last sampling of how extensive Bill and Hillary’s corruption continues to be, please read, “Clinton Foundation: Inurement“. From: The Inurement Prohibition & Non-Profit Organizations

Non-profit organizations are subject to what is known as the nondistribution constraint. Simply stated, this means that non-profit organizations cannot distribute profits to those who control it. The nondistribution constraint is the fundamental distinction between non-profit organizations from for-profit organizations.

In the Internal Revenue Code, the nondistribution constraint is embodied in the prohibition against inurement. “Inurement” is an arcane term for “benefit.” The inurement prohibition forbids the use of the income or assets of a tax-exempt organization to directly or indirectly unduly benefit an individual or other person that has a close relationship with the organization or is able to exercise significant control over the organization.

Regardless of whether or not you are a fan of Donald Trump, his victory represents one of America’s most narrow misses in terms of installing a well-developed criminal enterprise in this nation’s chief executive office.

The final question has been answered and now can be met with a sense of relief. A Juan Williams asked, “Indicted as president … impeached as president?” Regardless of personal admiration or animosity towards Trump, that we have no need to ask such a deeply disturbing question is something which America, as a nation, can only be immensely thankful for.

Not sure what to make of this: anybody who has data, please, share!